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RP 72 Shockwave Wins Newport to Bermuda Gibbs Hill Division – RP Yachts Sweep Prizes in Offshore Classic

June 22, 2012 · Posted by kate

48th Newport to Bermuda 2012,     
June 15th 2012, 635 nautical miles, New York Yacht Club/Royal Bermuda Yacht Club

Congratulations to the owners and crews of the Reichel/Pugh designed yachts competing in the 2012 NEWPORT to BERMUDA Ocean Race.

George Sakellaris’ R/P designed/engineered and McConaghy Boats built 72’ Mini Maxi SHOCKWAVE was the 3rd yacht to cross the finishing line in this record breaking edition of the race and wins the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse Division Overall taking 1st Place Overall under both ORR and IRC. Sakellaris takes home the silver replica of the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, a top prize along with the St. David’s Light. SHOCKWAVE takes double silver, also snatching the North Rock Beacon Trophy for the IRC corrected time winner in fleet, which is a silver replica of the 1960-1990 North Rock Light Tower that once warned mariners of the rocky approach to Bermuda from the North.

Edwin Llwyd Ecclestone’s R/P designed and King Composite built 66’ KODIAK takes 1st in the St. David’s Lighthouse Division Class 8 in ORR and 2nd in class under IRC. KODIAK was the 1st Yacht to Finish from the entire St. David’s Lighthouse Division and also won the Overall Performance Trophy as a Class Winner on Corrected Time which beat the next two yachts in her class by largest margin.

Hamnett Hill’s R/P designed and Marten 49’ Performance Cruiser, DEFIANCE takes 1st in Gibbs Hill Lighthouse Division Class 9 in ORR and 2nd in class under IRC.

Earlier this month Michael Brennan’s R/P designed and Hakes Marine Built 45’ Sjambok dominated the 735 nautical mile ANNAPOLIS to BERMUDA Ocean Race by finishing 1st in 3d 5h 39m 53s with the 2nd fastest elapsed time in the Bermuda Ocean Race’s history and taking 1st Overall in corrected time under PHRF.

Reichel/Pugh designed yachts have a rich history of taking top spots in NYYC/RBYC’s classic ocean race from Newport to Bermuda with multiple Division/Class winners and 6 Line Honors wins and three record setting races since 2002.

Visit the builder’s website for each yacht at:

McConaghy Boats (builders of Rambler, Shockwave, Morning Glory and 66’ Blue Yankee, the former Exile)

New England Boatworks (builders of Zaraffa)

King Composite (builders of Kodiak)

Westerly Marine (builders of Rosebud)

Hakes Marine (builders of Sjambok)

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